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Teen Department

Welcome to Ridgefield Park Public Library's Teen Department! Here you can find out about upcoming programming, events, new books, helpful online resources and so much more. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve the teen department from programming to new books please let us know by e-mail or just dropping by! We are always happy to see you! 
Image by Patrick Buck

Young Adult Section Code of Conduct

  • Teens in 7th-12th grade may use the space. Younger patrons are allowed in the teen area if they or their teen sibling is browsing for books, or if they are being tutored by a teen.

  • If teens are being tutored by an adult, they must use the Adult Reading Room.

  • Using offensive, harmful, or extremely loud language is strictly prohibited.

  • Bullying and harassment including hitting, kicking, insulting, or name-calling will not be tolerated. 

  • Physical actions that may upset, harm, or distract other library patrons is not allowed. This includes public displays of affection.

  • Harassment of a staff member (including insulting, name-calling, or back-talk) is not acceptable.

  • Garbage (such as drink containers, food wrappers, or homework/craft materials) must be disposed of before exiting the library.

  • Exiting and entering the building constantly is not allowed.

  • Only 4 chairs are allowed per table, and only 1 person on each chair. All 4 legs of the chair must be on the ground at all times.

  • Computer sessions are limited to 30 minutes each. Sessions can be extended if no other person is waiting to use the computer. Repeat sessions may or may not be 30 minutes in length depending upon whether others are waiting.

  • Teens must use the computers downstairs in the Children’s Room if they are accompanied by a patron in 6th grade or under who also needs to use the computer.


Failure to adhere to these rules may result in expulsion from the library, or, if necessary, a revoking of library privileges for a period of time as determined by the Library Director. Sometimes, parents of teens causing disturbances may be called to be notified of their behavior. If a parent cannot be notified, and the behavior persists, then the police department may be called.

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